Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lesbian Wife Experience


wonderful reality!
M @ R,,,

Friday, December 3, 2010

Can You Get Soulsilver For Vba

Dynamically creating a ZIP file. Net C #

I wanted to present a code that generates a zip file in memory and then send it by Customer Request.

code is a fairly simple but can get us out of trouble.

Use the library, which can be downloaded from:

private void
responseZipFile (Object data, object sender, EventArgs e)

{using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ()) {

using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream ()) {

Response.Clear ();
Response.Buffer = true;
Response.ContentType = "aplication/zip";
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;");
this.EnableViewState = false;

using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
zip.AddEntry("Readme.txt", "stringContent1");
zip.AddEntry("readings/Data.csv", "stringContent2");
zip.AddEntry("readings/Index.xml", "stringContent3");


I hope will be useful. Greetings

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Intelectron Motion Detector Bc8950

TO YOU ...

TODAY Sorry about

Monday, October 4, 2010

Poems On Celluar Respiration



Here in solitude of silence

in the distance and time

all is lost at a time. Here

at this time hidden in

unattainable in a shelter

In absolute silence

not understand anything and everything is. Lost

as always

the solitude

and time

Between silence and remembrance

Thirsty for love and no love.

divine love that is not where it is.

love and be filled with sorrow.

and live by anyone else.



No action or return

Struggling in silence

and surrender in time ...

M @ R,,,

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Welcome Letter For New Church Member

Canaima National Park (Part 2) geological

"God Bless the Earth Sciences!

Geology God Bless!

God is science and Science is in God

Canaima National Park (Part 2)


Hello and Welcome, as always, SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM .

Tourism, as we know, is a social, economic and cultural, that is moving people from one place to another outside of their place of residence, various reasons, such as different are the needs of man. Because of these needs, tourism takes classifications that meet these needs, social and scientific tourism tourism are the modalities try here.

As there TOURISM GEOGRAPHY, studying the geomorphology of a tourist area, it is proposed in SOMETHING NEW IN GEOLOGY TOURIST TOURISM the , not is more than the study of Earth's crust, geologic history of a particular area of \u200b\u200binterest, geography, topography, erosion, minerals, rocks and other areas of knowledge, hydrology, biology and botany. course this is useful bibliographic reference tool for students and tour guides in our region.

The geology of the Canaima National Park is a large topic, but we will try here as essential to get an idea of \u200b\u200btheir training.

Canaima is located within a large natural region in southern Venezuela, just south of the Rio Orinoco, we know as GUIANA VENEZUELA made by States Amazonas, Bolivar and part Delta Amacuro, and, in turn, belongs to the Guiana Shield Solid or that, we also share with Brazil and the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana) and has about half a million kilometers of extension our country.


However, the Orinoco River completely surrounds the northern part of the Venezuelan Guayana and between Los Llanos Venezuela and some of the Colombian Llanos. The Orinoco we can considered the northern boundary and the Amazon River in Brazil, as the southern limit, noting that both basins (Orinoco-Amazon), bathe this region and river basin Casiquiare slips into the Amazon River, but part of the Venezuelan Guayana.

is worth noting that Guyana is the oldest geological region of our country, it began its transformation before the rest of our territory, since the early Cenozoic, 65 million years ago, what is known today as Venezuelan territory was entirely on land recently emerged or on a continental platform, due to the movement of tectonic plates that have shaped the current appearance of the continents.

At the end of the era, namely the Pliocene, 7 to 3 million years ago, Venezuela had achieved its present form. During this period 65 million years that it lasted this era (Cenozoic), there were several geological events that affected the actual appearance of the table mountains in Canaima.

Cordillera Andina is a mountain range that extends almost parallel to the Pacific Ocean from near Panama to Cape Horn at the southernmost tip of Tierra del Fuego in southern Chile. this mountain, one of the largest in the world, has 7 240 km long and 241 kilometers wide.

mention this, to understand why Venezuela was submerged when the Guayana region began to take shape in tepuyes, valleys, rivers and jungle.

elevation and folding of sedimentary rocks, which are rocks that make up this mountain, originated in the Cretaceous, when the tectonic plates of the Ocean South Pacific and began a process known as SUBDUCTION , in Geology call the sinking of a lithospheric plate oceanic nature under an adjacent plate which usually is of a continental.

These incredible tectonic forces generated by this collision (subduction), produced a number of active volcanoes due to friction that, at extremely high temperatures, melted the underlying rock, and this pressure exerted on the molten rock, looking for an escape route through cracks, thus forming volcanoes.

Thus, they formed the Andes, and this increase caused the Venezuelan territory submerged began to emerge on the horizon, bringing with allochthonous materials (materials originating in other sites) .

One wall of the Great Mole Geological Auyantepuy call.

(Photo: Alexander Lamb)

La semana próxima continuamos nuestro viaje por diferentes eras geológicas hasta nuestros días, para comprender la importancia que tiene nuestra región Guayana, especialmente Canaima y los tepuyes, testigos mudos de la evolución geológica de nuestro país y del mundo.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Install Pokemon Emerald On Itouch

Canaima National Park. (PART 1).

"Here is the fascinating jungle ...
abysmal world where lie the ancient key.
antihuman Jungle. About transpose its boundaries
beginning to be more or less than men ... "
-Romulo Gallegos. "Canaima"

Canaima National Park (Part 1)


Hello and Welcome, as always, SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM .

SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM , enters a new stage and takes the opportunity to congratulate my fellow students, now colleagues, Technical Mining Geologists, having all reached our goal. Visit the BLOG Geologist Congratulations!

We will begin to deal with a place has witnessed the geological evolution of our planet, a territory that has approximately 3 000 570 million years older than the rest of Venezuela, because he has witnessed how the country emerged from the waters and is In addition, the wonderful result and final erosion forces that have shaped, with its colossal power, a paradise of water breaks and stunning islands in time, as the English writer, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock the same Holmes described in his book, THE LOST WORLD (The Lost World) by referring to the table mountains.

imagined Conan Doyle in his book, how life must have been in the table mountains, with dinosaurs wandering on the surface and dominate the skies pterodactyls. So amazing are these tepuyes that even in the twentieth century adventurer Alexander Lithuanian Laime, delirious with his fruitless search for fossils.

is that, in fact, if we look at the top of Salto El Sapo in Canaima, we see a landscape that will remind us of the famous film by Steven Spielberg, Jurassic Park. Just missing Velociraptors, Brachiosaurus and some other Tyranosaurus Rex, watching the green savannah of these landscapes.

That is explanation and we will see later. But in reality, there has been no evidence of giant dinosaurs have existed in the table mountains, even around Canaima. That is an explanation and we will see later.

Canaima is an empire of countless waterfalls that are a prelude to the highest in the world.

(Photo: Alexander Lamb B.)

Canaima is the home and grave of many visionaries like Bernal, Laime and Anatoly; adventurers like Jimmy Angel, religious and Fray Cesareo de Armellada, Canaima of demons and legends like Makunaima. CANAIMA arm or Kanaima is open to the world, where a " WAKÜPERA "is the word of welcome from our brothers Pemón.

Canaima National Park.

This area south of our state was a mining area of \u200b\u200bgold mining and diamond, attracting the attention of adventurers from around the world, but the order reigned from June 12, 1962; Executive Decree No. 770 in Official Gazette No. 26,210, published on June 13, 1962, which states 10,000 square kilometers (1,000,000 acres) National Park, denominated " CANAIMA " then on September 9, 1975, through Decree No. 1137, Official Gazette No. 30,809, published on October 1, 1975, declaring the extension of the national park area to 30,000 square kilometers (3,000,000 hectares), which is what keeps today.

The June 15, 1991, by Executive Decree No. 1640, Official Gazette No. 34758 of July 18, 1991, regulating the use of the Eastern Sector of the park, is say, La Gran Sabana.

In the Gran Sabana whimsical shapes observed in the table mountains. The Wadaká-Piapara Tepü, amid Ivarkarima and Irú Tepuy.

(Photo: Alexander Lamb B.)

Important is to note that the NATIONAL PARK CANAIMA is administered in two sectors: SECTOR WEST known as Laguna de Canaima, where we find the jumps Hacha, Golondrina, El Sapo, Wadaima, Kerepacupay vein and geological mole called Auyantepuy; and EASTERN SECTOR: we know as THE GREAT SAVANNAH : is the most visited for its easy access and waterfalls are as Arapan, Kama Meru, Chinak, Kawi, Toron Kamoirán, Kako Paru, among others giants as witnesses of the Precambrian Roraima Tepuy Kukenán Wadaka -Piapara Tepuy Ivarkarima, Ptari Tepuy, just to mention the most viewed.

Canaima Lagoon, seen from right to left the Wadaima, Axe Swallow and jumping.

(Photo: Alexander Lamb B.)

Canaima National Park , enrolled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature or English INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF NATURE (IUCN) as NATURAL HERITAGE WORLD since 1991 and approved as such by the UNESCO .

CANAIMA is a word of Pemon language, according to the Dictionary Pemón Fray Fray Cesareo de Armellada and Mariano Gutiérrez Salazar (1981): " Kanaima: hidden enemy, who attribute all pemón deaths. Sometimes they attribute magical properties, but generally refer to him as people ambushes of enemy tribes since ancient times ... "

A beautiful site, described in one word that has much power, a word that evokes respect, awe, inspiration, romance, mysticism and, contrary to what seems heavenly hop name "angel" is the BARREL DEVIL'S containing the "angel", the Kerepacupay - vein, the highest in the world, where he lost an "angel" alien when I first saw.

These figures in one of the peaks of Auyantepuy are evidence of the relentless force of erosion of billions of years.

(Photo: Alexander Lamb B.)

reminds me of Don Ramón del Valle Inclán "These are the words evoke magic mirrors where all the images of the world .... The language of a people is the lamp of your Karma. Every word includes a cabalistic occult power ... The thought takes form in words like water into the pot "

So Canaima, a site simply spectacular. An ancient place, ancestral, spiritual, colossus, of dreams, legends and history. There is the superlative, the largest, oldest, most beautiful and in later chapters we will continue talking about how wonderful this place.

This is one of the walls of Auyantepuy in Churúm river where show levels of erosion on the rock .

(Photo: Alexander Lamb B.)

Keep SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM has important contributions to tourism in our region and the scientific - culture that may be of help to you all.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cruising Spots In Los Angeles


"Resentment criticized as morally wrong as the possession he has,

gifts that lacks the risks they dare not run,

pleasures that would incapable of sharing.

is the moral articulation of envy, the ethical expression of impotence "

- Friedrich Nietzsche.


Hello and Welcome, as always, SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM .

remember that last week we talk about our illustrious Guyanese born September 14 in 1928 to immigrant parents, for their studies, the spirit of resilience and creativity, he led major engineering works achieved our country to rethink the global and progressive, technical and scientific advancement.

We commented, similarly, that many of us do not know the great values \u200b\u200bthat enrich the adjective of Guiana and of ignorance, sin naive, and naive, we know that demand. Even when I'm born in the town of Cumana, the firstborn of the continent, is home to Ciudad Bolivar sheltered me from my childhood and was in me, the spirit of culture and historical attachment to the values \u200b\u200bthat changed the face of a colonial Venezuela a "land and free men," as hailed Ezequiel Zamora.

SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM , publication is not a classic tourism, ie tourism rose and unique things for the tourist. This page is TOURISM AWARENESS, ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL SECURITIES and . is based on historical and scientific aspects of a tourist area with a large dressing social reflection, in this way encourages interest in history, the study of science, the promotion of values \u200b\u200bin society and social tourism. Therefore, we say SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM . TOURISM CRITICAL, AND SOCIAL SCIENCE.

This week we'll talk a little about the second work de ingeniería, donde se muestra una vez más, la fuerza creadora del ilustre guayanés Paul Lustgarten, entre otros venezolanos, sobre nuestro Rio Padre el Orinoco, nos referimos al PUENTE ORINOQUIA.

El segundo puente sobre el río Orinoco constituye la obra de infraestructura más importante construida en el país en los últimos años. En su construcción el Gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela hizo una inversión total de 1.283 millones de dólares. Es un puente mixto con sistema ferroviario y cuenta con cuatro canales de circulación, ofrece tres enlaces importantes al sistema national highway, ie highway Ciudad Guayana Ciudad Bolivar in our state of Bolivar, The Widow in the neighboring state of Anzoategui and Los Pozos in Monagas state.

This work was begun on February 5, 2001, funded by the BANCO DO BRASIL then the national government took over the investment. The supervision of this work is carried out by the Corporación Venezolana de Guayana and enforcement by the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht.

Among the main features we have to have a length of 3,156 meters, is composed of four towers of 120 meters each, 39 cells that reach reach 87 meters deep, two navigation channels of 300 meters and a metal superstructure consists of 272 modules that support the flow channels underpinned by a cable-stayed span of 1,200 meters.

As regards the railway section will create a link to the south with the road that has Ferrominera in Ciudad Piar and northward to the Future National Railway Network, projecting it, the deepwater port in the Gulf Cariaco in my home state of Sucre, allowing the material input and output for import of Companies Core, so as to reduce operating expenses.

Actually, the first feasibility studies, conducted by the CVG, began after 1966, for the construction of the bridge in Ciudad Guayana. To this end, studies of location, topographical, geological, structural, transportation, urban development and the required feasibility study but justified economic-financial in eight different possible construction sites from the eastern city of San Felix and W. SIDOR.

The completion of this work was quite hard because we worked in two shifts of twelve hours, taking approximately 3 000 workers daily who managed to conclude this structure on schedule. Similarly, no resources were spared in its construction and quality. Reference is very important in this project involving staff specializing in different countries: Brazil, Germany, England and Denmark.

With regard to the third bridge on our river BRIDGE MERCOSUR, talk a little next week, but the main theme of the chapters is our great and awesome Canaima National Park, wonderful place where the highest waterfall in the world, our Kerepacupay Vein (Salto Angel) and the sanctuary of the islands in time, the table mountains, mystical land of legends, a place where the Canaima pemones terrified and scared of the stranger.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why Does My Microwave Beep


" Why this great scientific technology,

and labor-saving makes life easier,

gives us so little happiness? The answer is it is,

simply because we have not learned to use it wisely "

- Albert Einstein.



Hello and Welcome as always, SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM .

remember that last week we talked about the three sites originally raised in the technical study for the construction of the Narrows Bridge, stating that the best option for establish bases would be the place called Punta Chacón state of Bolivar and Playa Blanca, in Anzoategui state.

speak on a geological survey summary specifying the materials that make up the ground where they would be the foundations.
all the work is impressive in itself. At the time was a marvel of engineering and it still is, despite the marginalized and the sorry state it is in these moments, for lack of maintenance. Whose responsibility? Well, in my view is for all Guyanese and our neighbors in Soledad, because they simply do not require constant maintenance of the bridge, not a season, but constantly, 365 days a year.

In this way, it would retain a national engineering work, icon of Guyana and the world would, likewise, new sources of employment.

way of thinking, Where is Venezuelan creativity? Where is the initiative of the Guyanese to defend and preserve our historical heritage, cultural sincere manner?

Do we want our city to be respected as a Cultural Heritage of Humanity? Put your hand on your heart and ask our consciousness: Do we really want our city enough to do nothing for her? What would our ancestors Guyanese who gave blood, sweat, tears, wit, freedom and life for our region? "The Liberator of Venezuela, Simón Bolívar, will fall quiet to the grave? "El Libertador de Guayana, Carlos Manuel Piar, will have been executed unjustly after release of the English empire Guiana, in vain? Reflect ...

Similarly, there is a nameless character in many texts, or I should say, in most of the texts that talk about the Narrows Bridge and seemed strange that no mention was made that character in the book ANGOSTURA BRIDGE ON THE RIVER ORINOCO, Ministry of Public Works. Caracas, 1967. is quite unfortunate that many of those who live here do not know who the strongholds that hold the culture, history and progress of our region, our city.

SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM wants to give due recognition to the designer and driver of this impressive piece of engineering of our Guyana: illustrious son of this land, once ANGOSTURA, ENGINEER PAUL LUSTGARTEN.

Paul Lustgarten. Illustrious Guiana.

Born in Ciudad Bolivar on September 14 in 1928, primary study until sophomore year at the historic Lyceum "Fernando Peñalver" Imagine, when I was located at the headquarters of the House of the Congress of Angostura.

When I was 13 in 1941, his father died. At 18 he moved to Caracas and finished third and fourth year studying at the Liceo "Luis Ezpelosín", then studied the fifth year and graduated from the Liceo Andres Bello, in the city of Caracas. Paul goes to the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) where he studied the first two years of Civil Engineering, but in 1951 closed the university for a year, finishing study in the United States in the RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE New York.


back to our country began to work at the Ministry of Public Works as Head of the Board of Calculation of Buildings, from 1956 until 1958, when he was chosen to lead the project BRIDGE OVER THE LAKE MARACAIBO.

Bridge on Lake Maracaibo, Zulia State

This bridge was built between 1959 and 1963, four years slow to build, where 3 000 people worked. At the time was the most important work of global engineering, with 9 kilometers long.

Other projects where he was immersed our Guyanese Paul Lustgarten were: BRIDGE ON THE RIVER LEMON, THE VIADUCT JETS IN THE COTA MIL, CARACAS, VIADUCT Turum, THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER CARONI; VIADUCT OVER DISCHARGE CANAL GURI; VIADUCT MERIDA, SECOND BRIDGE ON THE ORINOCO , plus another 200 bridges and dozens of buildings and tunnels throughout Venezuela.

Our Guiana is distinguished son of Polish immigrants, who sought in this land to improve living conditions, avoiding the emerging anti-Semitism that ended with Hitler's rise to power and subsequent Holocaust was aimed at exterminating the Jews.

Bridge over the Rio Limon, Zulia State

"I have the satisfaction of having contributed to the realization of most of the works major, I was coordinator of the bridge over Lake Maracaibo, worked on the project I bridge over the Orinoco river and did the conceptual design of the Joint Highway System Bridge over the Orinoco River, "recounts renowned Guyanese engineer, who holds the chair of the number XXIII NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE, MATH AND NATURE OF VENEZUELA since 1980.


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sleeping With Compression Shorts


" Theory is when you know everything and nothing works ;

practice, when everything works and nobody knows why. "



Hello and Welcome, as always SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM.

remember that last week brief talk on the history of our Angostura Bridge, essential data, cost and a preamble to the location.

As mentioned above, were taken at three sites where you take out the bridge construction, these sites are: STONE MIDDLE ISLAND OF THE DEGREDO and between PUNTA and CHACON PLAYA BLANCA . Now, why we chose the latter and not the previous two?

The idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding it in MIDDLE STONE was rejected for reasons urban. If built there, would have relocated much of the population of Ciudad Bolivar and the problem of motor traffic would have been catastrophic.

For the type of bridge that was it, would be built on the outskirts of the city, as this is purely highway bridge. In addition, the historical aesthetics of the city had been disfigured beyond repair.

build in THE ISLAND OF THE DEGREDO , its cost would have been much higher, as would have been double its total length, in addition to ruin an island that has its place in history and had Angostura created Additionally, traffic problems and the relocation of the population of the city. Therefore, the most viable option was the third, the site is between PUNTA CHACÓN in Bolivar and Playa Blanca in Anzoátegui state.

Foundation Stone laid by Venezuela's President Rómulo

Betancourt. (Photo: Angostura Bridge over the Orinoco River . Caracas, 1967)

The reasons why they decided to build on this site, the report Technical reflected in the book ( ANGOSTURA BRIDGE ON THE RIVER ORINOCO, Ministry of Public Works. Caracas, 1967 ) are:

"a) Although the length of the bridge is nearly equal to Site Middle Stone, no relocation of population problems and expropriation.

b) The cost of the bridge on this site is about half of what would have cost in the Degredo, due to their shorter length.

c) In the current site there are no problems of expropriation, which would not have happened in the other.

d) As the river bed is rocky on this site is ideal for melting.

e) The construction of the bridge in Punta Chacón allow the development the city westward, pursuing a new area "

We have said that the Angostura Bridge road and is clearly mixed type because it is part of a road system important because the main part of this structure is part pendant and access sections of prestressed concrete. The total width of the bridge is 16.60 meters, divided into four trails 3.65 meters, and two sidewalks of 1.0 meters each.


During the years 1963 and 1964, after the official start of construction work, we proceeded to study the basement where the batteries would be placed. The CANADIAN FIRM HUNTING SURVEY CORPORATION LTD., Conducted a preliminary study based on Hidrosonda, which showed as a result, the existence of a deep pit in steep walls that begins in Punta Chacón. Because it was decided to place the stack N º 8 in what we call Chacon peninsula (see Figure Geological Survey for the Foundations) to avoid deeper base due to the inclination that we mentioned.

Geological Survey Scheme for Foundations.

(Graphic: Angostura Bridge over the Orinoco River. Caracas, 1967)

The main material of all the foundations of the South (Bolívar) is the granite rock, in the foundations of the north side (Anzoátegui) predominates Sienite DARK GRAY. (see concepts below)

Granite: deep rock best known and most widespread. Consists mainly of quartz, feldspar and mica and hornblende, augite, tourmaline, zircon, magnetite, etc.. Components, arranged without any direction and usually of equal size, are crystalline and fine to coarse grain. As the major components are distinguished Granite biotite Granite Granite Micaceous and amphibole. There are red granite, blue, gray, etc. (Dictionaries Rioduero, GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY, 1985).

Sienite: Deep Rock similar to granite; is grayish-white or reddish gray, plutonic, low in quartz and feldspar composed of red and amphibole, biotite or pyroxene . Is less widespread than granite. (Dictionaries Rioduero, GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY, 1985).

Other materials underneath (underground) of the structure the bridge are: Soft Clay loam, sandy clay Tiesas Mostly, hard black biotite schists, massive rocks, including granite and syenites Gris Pink Dark Grey, loose sand Fine to coarse filling the riverbed, Peñones Layer Fill in bed Rio (See definitions in technical and scientific concepts, higher or visit )

There are many technical issues to talk about our neglected and marginalized bridge, but will touch here only the highlights of the topic as TOWER BRIDGE are structural steel section and the type of cell. Each is 119.175 meters in height, measured from its base and 140.585 meters height measured from the zero level of river.

is a tribute to give due recognition to the designer and driver of this impressive piece of engineering of our Guyana: illustrious son of this land, once ANGOSTURA, ENGINEER PAUL LUSTGARTEN.

is quite unfortunate that many of those who live here do not know who the strongholds that hold the culture, history and progress of our region, our city.

Timing of last section to finish up construction of the tower. (Photo: Angostura Bridge over the Orinoco River . Caracas, 1967 )

SOMETHING NEW TOURISM intrinsic aims to bring every one of you, valued readers, tools reflected in historical documentation, scientific, tourist and lore to heighten our gentile, recover lost values \u200b\u200band let the world know that Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela has a voice and has much to tell.

Detail of one of the access section of the bridge during

construction. (Photo: Angostura Bridge On the Orinoco River . Caracas, 1967 )