"Nature herself enough; so with less and ends with safe, the excesses of hope "
- Democritus .
Welcome everyone and, as always, SOMETHING NEW IN TOURISM . We were away for a time by academic and work commitments but WE ARE BACK ON LINE . The last time we talked about the Orinoco region, stressing that this refers to the unique geographical region of Colombia and Venezuela and is defined by the basin Orinoco river and characterized by crossing the Plains region, which possesses a rich and varied ecosystem, unique in the world.
recall that we discussed the issue of the theory of continental drift raised by the German Alfred Wegener in 1912 and how the Pacific tectonic plate collided with the plate South American in a process called subduction, thus forming the Andes, a process that occurred during the Mesozoic era, late Cretaceous period, ie about 65 million years or so.
During this period, which raises the Andes, the Orinoco river had another course and flowed, as scientific theory not confirmed in a village called Urumaco located 75 km west of Coro, capital of the State Falcon.
say it is a scientific theory is not confirmed, because the researchers suggest that due to the existence of rich deposits of fossils in Urumaco which are, indeed, some of the richest throughout northern South America, could have been a river as the Orinoco.
In this population is the "Museum of Paleontology Urumaco" created in 2000, where specimens are collected in the region, based mostly in vertebrates, reptiles and mammals including the Purussaurus , a giant crocodile that lived in South America 20 million years ago in the Miocene period. Paleontologists estimate that mediate up to 15 meters long, and they found a skull of 1.5 m in length, ORINOCO "An alligator?
Purussaurus. The prehistoric giant Orinoco Cayman.
is also a shell of a turtle, which would be the largest in the world, found in 1920, 2.30 meters long and 1.95 meters wide. This giant tortoise called him Uruma and its scientific name is STUPENDEMYS Geographicus and is estimated to have died out about 6 million years. Fossils of this giant were found in rocks dating from the late Miocene to Pliocene onset, ie 6 to 5 million years.
The Stupendemys Geographicus. Giant Turtle called Uruma
addition to the fossil Titans mentioned, is also Phoberomys pattersoni, considered the largest rodent in the world believed to be extinct for 8 million years. This is a giant rodent that reach 3 feet long, tail more than 1.5 meters and weighing about 700 kg. This extinct species is a RODENT FAMILY HISTRICOMORFO Dasyproctidae who lived in the ancient Orinoco delta about 8 million years.
The Phoberomys pattersoni. Extinct giant rodent world's largest.
in this area were the remains HUMAN FOSSIL Venezuela's oldest, along with tools that according to analysis by carbon-14 dating of 14 thousand years before Christ. Can be seen, besides, rock formations of Mesozoic and Cenozoic own, ie the same age occurring geological events already mentioned.
Some researchers base their ORINOCO OLD THEORY, by reference to the deltaic environment TRANSITION presents the area of \u200b\u200bFalcon state, ie there is evidence of an ancient delta. It has been said, even the Orinoco experienced a clockwise tour of the hand of the clock to settle at its current position, but there is no definitive evidence about this, because there is no record of discovery of fossils or other material that indicates there come a the characteristics of the river Orinoco, in the areas where the displacement is made west to east, except for Urumaco.
has also been talk that the Orinoco delta once had her here in Ciudad Bolivar, specifically in the Los Baez, but what is certain is that once the now called the Caribbean Sea bathing almost all of our country, to about Guasipati and millions of years later, to Paseo Orinoco.
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