Friday, May 21, 2010

Normocytic Hypochromic Anaemia


"Imagine what we see is art, poetry and landscape

us soul becomes as the fog rises from earth to spirit

-Miguel de Unamuno.


last year is the week that just ended, we talked about the legacy that Thomas Cook had contributed to their entrepreneurial creativity to tourism, giving life to this activity, making in a line producer of goods and services; born, and, tourism.

In the three previous chapters, we have been talking about tourism, gradually tacking important issues, not wanting pretending to be a professor in the field, reminding you that the suggestions are always welcome, since they learn to be better, and this page, which is like you all our blogs on the Internet, will evolve as you provide the "Grain of Sand" that we have already mentioned.

But what good is to come, I mean that we will delve into critical issues affecting our society and, therefore, tourism, provided with a language of height and not to meanness, because it is from the hills where it dominates a landscape, a territory, the beauty from below we only a portion and some do not respect what they can not see or do not know.

Well, let's preamble, what they really want is to express my most sincere hope that this new year is of advantage and prosperity for all, a year full of "SUCCESS AND HEALTH ", as the reporter Eulalio Rojas Cordero, my Father.

We already know that tourism, business as organized, spread across the world from Cook's ideas and new creations of those who found in tourism a road to prosperity.

In our country we can say that tourism gave glimpses of birth in the second half of the 30 or so when Jimmy Angel was looking for riches and met with Kerepacupay vein, the wealth he found, was the fame.

At this time he was in power, "The Benefactor" , as he told his acolytes to General Juan Vicente Gómez , who lived between 1859 and 1935, was overthrown Cipriano Castro, his friend, in 1908 and in 1910 makes the time Congress appointed him President of Venezuela, a position he held until his death, as any good dictator.

But, Macchiavello said that the evil is removed from the beauty of things (and I'm not entirely agree), Gomez created the Military Aviation School and open space for adventurous aviators of the era, including our friend James Crawford Angel.

Tourism in our country, say the late 30 to 50, was characterized primarily by the realization of firm to conduct tourist activities are often organized and controlled by the state. Establishing the Tourist Club Venezuela. The Boulton were beginning to operate and gave birth to the first hotel companies, such as the Hotel Avila.

The November 16, 1937, is issued Executive Order on tourism, as President of our country the Chief General Eleazar López Contreras. This precedes the other in order and time, demonstrating that so that conservation and protection of tourism in the State Venezuela reserved.

The August 27, 1938 also under the presidency of López Contreras, enacted the first Tourism Act that has endured for 35 years, published in Official Gazette No. 19 660 of August 31, 1938 , providing, inter alia, Tourism centralizing policies, monitor and control the companies engaged in the business in question, by means of a record.

This law also approve looked Tourism Projects to promote this activity, set the entry requirements of tourists to the country and the fines, in addition to building National Tourist Office, which was attached to the then Ministry of Development . However, it was subsequently repealed by Tourism Act of May 23, 1973. In future chapters discuss some of the Tourism Law in our country, development and analysis, because there is much to discuss.

By then, there was no National Park Canaima clear itself as Mining Camp Canaima; but only that. Had not yet specific plans to evolve this area as a tourist attraction, but even in those days, men were to appear that would change things and give him this beautiful place in the Venezuelan Precambrian her status.

waterfalls in the Laguna de Canaima. Canaima National Park, south of Bolivar State. (Photo: Alexander Lamb B.)

is extremely important to note that at the beginning of last century, in the late 20's, the Venezuelan first non-Indian, named Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz, first saw the jump Kerepacupay vein. had no idea it was the highest in the world, also other browsers, long before Jimmy had seen this awesome jump. This is a topic we'll be playing in more depth later.

What I can say is that going to be very interesting.

Witnesses geological ages, everywhere in the planet's evolution. Auyantepuy (Alexander Lamb Photo B.)

We pause in this part, because it is fair comment that we have interviews with people who have life experience and are key players in the history of tourism in our region.

indirect personal knowledge by description Jimmy Angel, Alexander Laime, Thomas Bernal, Felix Cardona Puig among others who made the pinnacle of tourism Canaima in Venezuela, with or without intending to, we have legends, anecdotal stories, mystical and applied science course tourism. Until next week.

Narrows Bridge, First Wonder Technology on the Rio Orinoco. (Photo: Alexander Lamb B.)


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