Saturday, May 29, 2010

What Cream Should I Use After A Brazilian


"Everyday Nature produces enough for our needs.

If everyone take what they needed,

not have poverty in the world and no one would starve. "

- Mohandas K. Gandhi .


Last week we talked about some features of our river father and their main islands. Following our tour, downstream, we have farther to the east to the town of WAREHOUSE then the capital of Bolivar state, CIUDAD BOLIVAR , we find a cross road towards the four cardinal points the way to North Bridge Angostura (soon to talk about this work), which connects our region with the rest of the country to the south CITY IRAP , THE PARAGUA to the East with Ciudad Guayana and ramp toward THE GREAT SAVANNAH and, of course, to the west from where we've been doing our tour of the Orinoco.

Narrows Bridge was for many years the only means of communication

land to the north of the country.

Front to Ciudad Bolivar, we SOLEDAD population, capital of INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP of Anzoátegui shared landscape, history, culture, economy and enjoy, like The Bolivarense, the first suspension bridge of our great river; STONE ENVIRONMENTAL, rocky island that serves the coastal to mark the movement of ebb and flow of river.

Middle Stone or "Orinocómetro" with von Humboldt called him.
ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT called it " ORINOCÓMETRO" for their utility to measure the river level. This island is a rocky outcrop belonging to the formation of the geological province of Imataca, with a length of 350 meters long, 100 meters wide and 52 meters height from its lowest level, of course. It is said that there is the SNAKE THE SEVEN HEADS has given more than a shock to fishermen and believers. is said that once the famous adventurer Jacques Custeau, ventured into the waters surrounding the island and after a few hours rushed out for something big moving in turbulence of the river, believe it or not. ISLAND "THE DEGREDO" , which also noted that the seriously ill 19-century, were confined there until his recovery or degradation; BAKER ISLAND, where the Angostura del Orinoco was supplied by the best breads made at the time.

Continuing to the east is Ciudad Guayana : two cities ( Puerto Ordaz and San Felix ) , relatives of the Caroni river that runs through them, forming magnificent confluence of the Orinoco; making a collage of amber and cool temperature with the blue apparent Caroni and Orinoco cloudy, warmer and thriving by force and geological history that proved his father river.

continued our journey downstream and we are on the left bank of the river the Monagas State (in the area of \u200b\u200bThe Canyons, to a few kilometers to the east) still front neighbor town of San Felix, with some islands, the most important island GUARA between the pipes MANAMA and GUARA .

is interesting to note that there is a difference in color temperature between the Orinoco and the Caroni River and that we appreciate when we Ciudad Guayana and cross the Bridge that connects ANGOSTURITA PUERTO ORDAZ SAN FELIX with and see that the Caroni is DARKER THAN ORINOCO and if we navigate between the two rivers perceive the difference in water temperature.

The Orinoco is warmer due to suspended sediments that receive the sun's heat and maintains that temperature, the Caroni is milder because instead of suspended sediment contains tannic acid which is of plant origin and composition of these differences in water temperature, the two rivers do not unite as one, apparently, but after being bathed in the Orinoco Delta.

Rock and father on the banks of the river in Ciudad Bolivar jetty

The Delta Amacuro , we find many islands result of deposition of sediments that have been suspended and have been washed away from river. The Orinoco, the start of the delta, (called the Orinoco Delta) it opens up the state Delta Amacuro, Monagas state located between the left Caño Mánamo and on the right bank of the Orinoco, Bolivar State.

The Orinoco Delta Delta is the second largest continent, with an area of \u200b\u200b25 thousand square kilometers. The delta is composed of a maze of islands separated by channels whose banks are composed, mostly, by mangroves. The vegetation is also of mixed forests, where born several types of palms, among which the most characteristic of the region, is known as Morich. The Moriche which make juice, among other uses, and PALMA DE Morich is that palm canned at the grocery store, then, comes from the Delta. TASTING EVER HAVE THE WORM OF PALM Morich?; butter tastes like sugar, test it safe and like it. I have ...


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